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Hair Removal

IPL Hair Removal

Permanently reduce hair growth and achieve silky smooth skin, all year round.

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Target areas

✓ Hair growth on face and body

✓ Ingrown hairs

Waxing and shaving are finally a thing of the past.

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) hair removal offers you the luxury of silky smooth and ready-for-anything skin all year round. Treatments are fast, effective, and result in permanent hair reduction.  

Our fully-trained technicians use the latest medical-grade Palomar Multi Lux.

Aside from clearer, smoother skin and permanent hair reduction, laser hair removal also boasts benefits including helping to reduce ingrowing hairs and less irritation of your skin. This is because the treatment encourages hair to grow straight.

Treatments can be tailored to eradicate hair from all areas of the face and body and the sessions are quick and relatively pain-free.



Session Time

10-30 mins



Starting at


Session Time

10-30 mins



Starting at


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How does IPL Hair Removal work?

IPL uses a broad spectrum of light energy to target pigment in the hair follicle and hair shaft, without damaging skin in the treatment areas. The pigment in the hair absorbs the laser energy, converts it to heat which then damages the hair follicle.  This damage ensures that the hair can no longer grow.

Generally, because the laser is attracted to pigment it works well on dark hair, especially if there is a contrast between your dark hair and your skin colour. If your unwanted hair is dark it can be good to have your laser hair removal work done when your skin is the lightest, such as during winter months.

Does IPL Hair Removal hurt?

If you’re used to waxing and are thinking of trying laser hair removal, you can rest assured it will feel virtually pain-free in comparison. Most people would say that waxing hurts, and laser hair removal treatments are generally not considered anywhere near as painful as waxing.

Everybody has a different pain threshold. Your pain tolerance in relation to skin sensitivity can vary due to factors such as where you are in your menstrual cycle, what medications you may be taking or even your state of health. (Lack of sleep can also heighten your sensitivity and lower your pain thresholds.)  

Some clients describe the treated areas as feeling ‘warm and tingly’ at the most. It may feel a little uncomfortable on the areas of the body which are more sensitive than others such as the bikini line or the top lip, but it is generally described as either painless or slightly uncomfortable. The discomfort felt afterwards in the treatment area is alike a slight sunburn.

Is IPL Hair Removal permanent?

Your skin tone, hair colour, hair thickness and hormones will all influence how effective laser hair removal is for you.

On average, laser hair removal treatments offer a 70% to 90% permanent reduction of hair in the treated areas.

This rate of effectiveness can only be achieved after the recommended series of laser hair treatment sessions are done.

The 10% to 30% regrowth rate is due to those hair follicles that have not been completely destroyed during your laser sessions, meaning that they may eventually grow back. The good news is, these surviving hair follicles will usually take some time to recover and you will therefore benefit from a longer period of hairlessness than you would waxing or shaving.

When will I see results after my IPL Hair Removal treatment?

It takes two or three weeks after your first treatment to see a difference, and 8 -12 treatments to get the full result.

Some clients starts seeing real results after 2 treatments or 8 weeks. You also have to be regular with your appointments because your hair follicles are all at different stages of their growth, so you want to make sure each one has a chance to get zapped. Whilst IPL is fast, it can only treat your hair during the ‘growth’ phase, so a series of treatment sessions well be required for those silky-smooth results.

A side note - most people report 90 percent permanent reduction in hair growth but fluctuating hormones can make hair grow back.

How much does IPL Hair Removal cost?

Lip - $20

Chin - $20

Lip & Chin - $35

Cheeks - $39

Underarm - $49

Bikini -  $49

Brazilian - $69

Half Leg -  $85

Full Leg - $199

Brazilian + Underarm -  $79

Half leg, Underarm + Brazilian - $149

What do I need to do before each IPL Hair Removal treatment session?

Preparation is key to get best results and ensure your sessions are not disrupted.

While it can be a little tricky to achieve during the summer months, it is a good idea to try and avoid tanning or any sun exposure for a couple of weeks prior and post-treatment. And while being sunburnt should always be avoided, it is definitely not recommended during laser hair removal treatments. Any form of tanning will affect your treatment and results, whether it’s from sun exposure, fake tan moisturisers or sprays. This will increase discomfort felt but also reduce the effectiveness of your treatment, as you will need to be treated at a lower intensity. The best thing to do is to avoid tanning altogether if possible while having laser hair removal treatments.

Also, it’s best not to wax or tweeze for four weeks prior to your treatment. Shaving is ideal.

If you book your session online, it’s best to call our clinic so we can run you through all the preparation to ensure your skin is ready for your sessions.